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In total 28 plugins have dedicated support for BetonQuest.

BetonQuest hooks into other plugins by itself to provide more events, conditions and objectives or other features. 23 plugins are supported right now:
Brewery, Citizens, Denizen, EffectLib, Heroes, HolographicDisplays, JobsReborn, Magic, mcMMO, MMOLib, MMOCore, MMOItems, MythicMobs, PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib, Quests, Shopkeepers, SkillAPI, Skript, Vault, WorldEdit, FastAsyncWorldEdit and WorldGuard.

Some plugins also hook into BetonQuest and provide support by themselves:
nuNPCDestinations, RPGMenu, CalebCompass

There are also plugins that hook into BetonQuest that require a clientside mod:
BetonQuestGUI, NGVexJournal



Drunk: drunk๐Ÿ”—

This condition is true if the player is drunken. Only argument is the minimal drunkness (0-100).

drunk 50

Drunk Quality: drunkquality๐Ÿ”—

This condition is true if the player has the given drunk quality. Only argument is the minimal drunk quality (1-10).

drunkquality 3

Has Brew: hasbrew๐Ÿ”—

This condition is true if the player has the given grew with the specified amount in his inventory.

hasbrew MY_BREW 2


Give Brew: givebrew๐Ÿ”—

Gives the player the specified drink. The first number is the amount, and the second number is the quality of the drink.

givebrew 1 10 MY_BREW

Take Brew: takebrew๐Ÿ”—

Removes the specified drink from the players inventory. An amount needs to be specified.

takebrew MY_OTHER_BREW 2

NPC's using Citizens๐Ÿ”—

If you have this plugin you can use it's NPCs for conversations. I highly recommend you installing it, it's NPCs are way more immersive. Having Citizens also allows you to use NPCKill objective and to have moving NPC's.

A Citizen NPC will only react to right clicks by default. This can be changed by setting acceptNPCLeftClick in the config.yml to true.


You need to specify the ID of the NPC instead of it's name in the main.yml when using Citizens!


NPC distance: npcdistance๐Ÿ”—

This condition will return true if the player is closer to the NPC with the given ID than the given distance. The NPCs ID is the first argument, the distance is the second. If the npc is despawned the condition will return false.


npcdistance 16 22

NPC location: npclocation๐Ÿ”—

persistent, static

This condition will return true if a npc is close to a location. First argument is the id of the NPC, second the location and third the maximum distance to the location that the npc is allowed to have.


npclocation 16 4.0;14.0;-20.0;world 22

NPC region: npcregion๐Ÿ”—

persistent, static


This condition also requires WorldGuard to work.

This condition will return true if a npc is inside a region. First argument is the id of the npc second is the name of the region.


npcregion 16 spawn


Move NPC: movenpc๐Ÿ”—

This event will make the NPC move to a specified location. It will not return on its own, so you have to set a single path point with /npc path command - it will then return to that point every time. If you make it move too far away, it will teleport or break, so beware. You can change maximum pathfinding range in Citizens configuration files. The first argument in this event is ID of the NPC to move. Second one is a location in a standard format (like in teleport event). You can also specify multiple locations separated by colons to let the npc follow a path of locations. You can also specify additional arguments: block will block the NPC so you won't be able to start a conversation with him while he is moving, wait: is a number of tick the NPC will wait at its destination before firing events, done: is a list of events fired after reaching the destination, fail: is a list of events fired if this event fails. Move event can fail if the NPC is already moving for another player.


movenpc 121 100;200;300;world,105;200;280;world block wait:20 done:msg_were_here,give_reward fail:msg_cant_go,give_reward

Stop moving NPC: stopnpc๐Ÿ”—

This will stop all current move tasks for the npc with the given ID.


stopnpc 16

Teleport NPC: teleportnpc๐Ÿ”—

This event will teleport the NPC with the given ID to the given location.


teleportnpc 53 100;200;300;world


NPC Interact: npcinteract๐Ÿ”—

The player has to right-click on the NPC with specified ID. It can also optionally cancel the action, so the conversation won't start. The first argument is number (ID of the NPC), and the second is optional cancel.


npcinteract 3 cancel conditions:sneak events:steal

NPC Kill: npckill๐Ÿ”—

NPC Kill objective requires the player to kill an NPC with the given ID. You can also define how many times an NPC has to be killed. Right after objective's name there must be na ID of the NPC. You can also add an amount by amount:.


npckill 16 amount:3 events:reward

NPC Range: npcrange๐Ÿ”—

The player has to enter/leave a circle with the given radius around the NPC to complete this objective. It is also possible to define multiple NPCs separated with ,. The objective will be completed as soon as you meet the requirement of just one npc. First argument is the ID of the NPC, second one is the type: Either enter, leave, inside or outside and the third one is the range. The types enter, leave force the player to actually enter the radius after you were outside of it and vice versa. This means that enter is not completed when the player gets the objective and is already in the range, while inside is instantly completed.


npcrange 3,5 enter 20 events:master_inRange



Script: script๐Ÿ”—

With this event you can fire Denizen task scripts. Don't confuse it with skript event, these are different. The first and only argument is the name of the script.


script beton


If you install this plugin on your server you will be able to set a particle effect on NPCs with conversations and use particle event.

EffectLib is not a normal plugin, it's a developer tool - there are no official docs. However, the Magic plugin has a wiki for EffectLib. It does contain a few magic specific settings though so please don't be confused if some stuff does not work. There is also a magic editor with autocompletion for EffectLib.

You can control the behaviour of particles around the NPCs in custom.yml file, in npc_effects section. Each effect is defined as a separate subsection and consists of EffectLib options (described on the EffectLib page) and several BetonQuest settings. npcs is a list of all NPCs on which this effect can be displayed. If no npcs are specified it will use the package NPCs from main.yml. conditions is a list of conditions the player has to meet in order to see the effect. BetonQuest will find the first effect which can be displayed and show it to the player. interval controls how often the effect is displayed (in ticks). The effect will be fired from the exact location of the NPC, upwards.

   check_interval: 50
   disabled: false
      class: VortexEffect
      iterations: 20
      particle: crit_magic
      helixes: 3
      circles: 1
      grow: 0.1
      radius: 0.5
      interval: 30
         - 1
         - '!con_tag_started'
         - '!con_tag_finished'


Particle: particle๐Ÿ”—

This event will load an effect defined in effects section in custom.yml file and display it on player's location. The only argument is the name of the effect. You can optionally add loc: argument followed by a location written like 100;200;300;world;180;-90 to put it on that location. If you add private argument the effect will only be displayed to the player for which you ran the event.


In custom.yml

    class: HelixEffect
    iterations: 100
    particle: smoke
    helixes: 5
    circles: 20
    grow: 3
    radius: 30

In events.yml

particle beton loc:100;200;300;world;180;-90 private


When you install Heroes, all kills done via this plugin's skills will be counted in MobKill objectives.


Heroes Class: heroesclass๐Ÿ”—

This condition checks the classes of the player. The first argument must be primary, secondary or mastered. Second is the name of a class or any. You can optionally specify level: argument followed by the required level of the player.


heroesclass mastered warrior

Skill: heroesskill๐Ÿ”—

This condition checks if the player can use specified skill. The first argument is the name of the skill.


heroesskill charge


Heroes experience: heroesexp๐Ÿ”—

This event simply gives the player specified amount of Heroes experience. The first argument is either primary or secondary and it means player's class. Second one is the amount of experience to add.


heroesexp primary 1000


Hidden Holograms๐Ÿ”—

Installing this plugin will enable you to create hidden holograms, which will be shown to players only if they meet specified conditions. Note that you need to have ProtocolLib installed in order to hide holograms from certain players.

In order to create a hologram, you have to add holograms section in your custom.yml file. Add a node named as your hologram to this section and define lines, conditions and location subnodes. The fist one should be a list of texts - these will be the lines of a hologram. Color codes are supported. Second is a list of conditions separated by commas. Third is a location in a standard format, like in teleport event. An example of such hologram definition:

    - '&bThis is Beton.'
    - 'item:custom_item'
    - '&eBeton is strong.'
    location: 100;200;300;world
    conditions: has_some_quest, !finished_some_quest
    # How often to check conditions (optional)
    check_interval: 20

A line can also represent a floating item. To do so enter the line as 'item:custom_item'. It will be replaced with the custom_item defined defined in items.yml. If the Item is defined for example as map, a floating map will be seen between two lines of text.

The holograms are updated every 10 seconds. If you want to make it faster, add hologram_update_interval option in config.yml file and set it to a number of ticks you want to pass between updates (one second is 20 ticks). Don't set it to 0 or negative numbers, it will result in an error.

NPC Holograms๐Ÿ”—

If Citizens is also installed then you can have holograms configured relative to an npc. Add the following to custom.yml.

  # How often to check conditions
  check_interval: 100

  # Holograms follow npcs when they move (higher cpu usage when true)
  follow: false

  # Disable npc_holograms
  disabled: false

  # Hologram Settings
    # Lines in hologram
      - "Some text!"
    # Vector offset to NPC position to place hologram
    vector: 0;3;0

    # Conditions to display hologram
    conditions: has_some_quest, !finished_some_quest

    # NPC's to apply these settings to. If blank, applies by default
      - 0
      - 22

Item lines are also supported here.


Requires adding the following to config.yml:

  jobs: 'true'


Can Level up: nujobs_canlevel {jobname}๐Ÿ”—

Returns true if the player can level up

Has Job: nujobs_hasjob {jobname}๐Ÿ”—

Returns true if the player has this job


nujobs_hasjob Woodcutter

Job Full: nujobs_jobfull {jobname}๐Ÿ”—

Returns true if the job is at the maximum slots

Job Level: nujobs_joblevel {jobname} {min} {max}๐Ÿ”—

Returns true if the player has this job, and at a level equal to or between the min/max


nujobs_joblevel Woodcutter 5 10


Add Jobs Experience: nujobs_addexp {jobname} {exp}๐Ÿ”—

Gives the player experience

Increase Jobs Level: nujobs_addlevel {jobname} {amount}๐Ÿ”—

Increases the player level by amount.

Decrease Jobs Level: nujobs_dellevel {jobname} {amount}๐Ÿ”—

Decreases the players level by amount.

Join Jobs Job Event: nujobs_joinjob {jobname}๐Ÿ”—

Joins the player to job.

Leave Jobs Job Event: nujobs_leavejob {jobname}๐Ÿ”—

Removes the player from job.

Set Jobs Level: nujobs_setlevel {jobname} {level}๐Ÿ”—

Set the player to level.


Join Jobs Job Objective: nujobs_joinjob {jobname}๐Ÿ”—

Triggers when player joins job.

Leave Jobs Job Objective: nujobs_leavejob {jobname}๐Ÿ”—

Triggers when player leaves job.


This is not triggered by '/jobs leaveall'

Jobs Job Levelup: nujobs_levelup {jobname}๐Ÿ”—

Triggers when player levels up.

Jobs Job Payment: nujobs_payment {amount}๐Ÿ”—

Triggers when player makes {amount} of money from jobs.



Wand: wand๐Ÿ”—

This condition can check wands. The first argument is either hand, inventory or lost. If you choose lost, the condition will check if the player has lost a wand. If you choose hand, the condition will check if you're holding a wand in your hand. inventory will check your whole inventory instead of just the hand. In case of hand and inventory arguments you can also add optional name: argument followed by the name of the wand (as defined in wands.yml in Magic plugin) to check if it's the specific type of the wand. In the case of inventory you can specify an amount with amount and this will only return true if a player has that amount. You can also use optional spells: argument, followed by a list of spells separated with a comma. Each spell in this list must have a minimal level defined after a colon.


wand hand name:master spells:flare:3,missile:2



McMMO Level: mcmmolevel๐Ÿ”—

This conditions checks if the player has high enough level in the specified skill. The first argument is the name of the skill, second one is the minimum level the player needs to have to pass this condition.


mcmmolevel woodcutting 50


Add MCMMO Experience: mcmmoexp๐Ÿ”—

This event adds experience points in a specified skill. The first argument is the name of the skill, second one is the amount of experience to add.


mcmmoexp swords 1500

TeamRequiem (MMOCore, MMOItem, MMOLib)๐Ÿ”—


MMOCore class: mmoclass๐Ÿ”—

Checks if a player has the given MMOCore class. You can check for any class that is not the default class by writing * instead of a class name. If a level has been specified the player needs to be on that level or higher to meet the condition. You can disable this behaviour by adding the equal argument.

mmoclass * 5
mmoclass WARRIOR
mmoclass MAGE 5
mmoclass MAGE 5 equal

MMOCore attribute: mmoattribute๐Ÿ”—

Checks if a player has the specified attribute on the given level or higher. You can disable this behaviour by adding the equal argument.

mmoclass mmoattribute strength 2 
mmoclass mmoattribute strength 2 equal

MMOCore profession: mmoprofession๐Ÿ”—

Checks if a player has the specified profession on the given level or higher. You can disable this behaviour by adding the equal argument.

mmoprofession mining 2 
mmoprofession mining 2 equal

MMOItems item: mmoitem๐Ÿ”—

Checks if a player has the specified amount of MMOItems or more in his inventory. If no amount has been defined the default amount is one.

mmoitem GEMS SPEED_GEM 3

MMOItems hand: mmohand๐Ÿ”—

Checks if a player holds the specified MMOItem in his hand. Checks the main hand if not specified otherwise using the offhand argument. If no amount has been defined the default amount is one.

mmohand GEMS SPEED_GEM 3 offhand

MMOLib stat: mmostat๐Ÿ”—

Checks these stats that combine all sorts of stats from MMOCore and MMOItems. The player needs to be on the specified level or higher in order to meet this condition. You can disable this behaviour by adding the equal argument.



Break Special Blocks: mmocorebreakblock๐Ÿ”—

This objective requires the player to break special blocks from MMOCore. All three different block types and an amount can be defined. You can also send notifications to the player by appending the notify keyword.

mmocorebreakblock 5 block:1      #A custom block's block ID
mmocorebreakblock 64 block:STONE  #vanilla material
mmocorebreakblock 1 block:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVy #... this is a heads texture data

MMOCore Profession levelup: mmoprofessionlevelup๐Ÿ”—

This objective requires the player to level the given profession to the specified level.

mmoprofessionlevelup MINING 10

Craft item: mmoitemcraft๐Ÿ”—

This objective requires the player to craft the item with the given type and id. It supports any MMOItem that was crafted using vanilla crafting methods, MMOItems "recipe-amounts" crafting and MMOItems station crafting. An amount can also be set if it shall differ from the default (which is one) by adding the amount: argument. The amount is based on how many items have actually been crafted, not how often a specific recipe has been used! Therefore, a recipe that makes four items at once will let the objective progress by four steps.

mmoitemcraft SWORD STEEL_SWORD
mmoitemcraft HEALTH_POTION_RECIPE amount:5

Upgrade Item: mmoitemupgrade๐Ÿ”—

This objective tracks if a player upgrades the given item with an upgrade consumable.

mmoitemupgrade SWORD FALCON_BLADE

Apply gemstone: mmoitemapplygem๐Ÿ”—

This objective is completed when the player applies the gemstone with the given gemstoneID to an item with the given itemType and itemID.


Activate MythicLib skill: mmoskill๐Ÿ”—

This objective requires the player to activate a MythicLib skill (e.g. with MMOItems or MMOCore).

Parameter Syntax Default Value Explanation
skill SKILL_ID The ID of the skill.
trigger name:level All trigger types. The types of triggers that can be used to activate the skill. If not specified, all triggers are allowed.
triggerSkill: "mmoskill LIFE_ENDER event:updateStatistics"
castSkillWithMMOCore: "mmoskill DEEP_WOUND trigger:CAST event:completeTutorial"
itemSkill: "mmoskill DEEP_WOUND trigger:RIGHT_CLICK,LEFT_CLICK event:giveReward"


Give MMOCore class experience: mmoclassexperience๐Ÿ”—

Adds experience to the players class. The amount can be a variable or a number. The level argument is optional and would convert the amount to levels instead of XP points.

mmoclassexperience 150
mmoclassexperience 1 level

Give MMOCore profession experience: mmoprofessionexperience๐Ÿ”—

Adds experience in the specified player profession. The amount can be a variable or a number. The level argument is optional and would convert the amount to levels instead of XP points.

mmoprofessionexperience 100
mmoprofessionexperience 1 level

Give class points: mmocoreclasspoints๐Ÿ”—

Gives the player class points. The amount can be a variable or a number.

mmocoreclasspoints 1

Give skill points: mmocoreskillpoints๐Ÿ”—

Gives the player skill points. The amount can be a variable or a number.

mmocoreskillpoints 10

Give attribute points: mmocoreattributepoints๐Ÿ”—

Gives the player attribute points. The amount can be a variable or a number.

mmocoreattributepoints 2

Give attribute reallocation points: mmocoreattributereallocationpoints๐Ÿ”—

Gives the player attribute reallocation points. The amount can be a variable or a number.

mmocoreattributereallocationpoints 1

Give MMOItem: mmoitemgive๐Ÿ”—

Gives the player predefined item. Default amount is one and can be set manually to a higher amount or a variable. The item can be adjusted to the players level by adding the scale option. If you want all items to be stacked together the singleStack option can be set. If the player doesn't have required space in the inventory, the items will be dropped on the ground. You can also specify the notify keyword to display a message to the player about what items have been received.


Take MMOItem: mmoitemtake๐Ÿ”—

Removes the specified item from the players inventory. Optional arguments are an amount and notify to send a notification to the player.

Which inventory types are checked is defined by the invOrder: option. You can use Backpack, Inventory and Armor there. One after another will be checked if multiple types are defined. The backpack will not work before 2.0's item rework since the current item system does not safe custom NBT data.

You can also specify notify keyword to display a simple message to the player about loosing items.

Amount can be a variable.

mmoitemtake SWORD STEEL_SWORD notify
mmoitemtake CONSUMABLE HEALTH_POTION amount:5
mmoitemtake CONSUMABLE BAKED_APPLES amount:2 invOrder:Backpack,Inventory
mmoitemtake ARMOR KINGS_CHESTPLATE invOrder:Armor,Backpack


Having MythicMobs allows you to use MythicMobs MobKill objective and MythicMobs SpawnMob event.


MobKill: mmobkill๐Ÿ”—

You need to kill the specified amount of MythicMobs to complete this objective. The first argument must be the mob's internal name (the one defined in your MythicMobs configuration). You can optionally add the amount: argument to specify how many of these mobs need to be killed. It's also possible to add the optional arguments minLevel and maxLevel to further customize what mobs need to be killed. You can also add an optional neutralDeathRadiusAllPlayers argument to complete the objective for each nearby player within the defined radius when the mob is killed by any non-player source. You can add a "notify" keyword if you want to send a notification to players whenever the objective progresses.


mmobkill SkeletalKnight amount:2 events:reward
mmobkill SnekBoss amount:2 minlevel:4 maxlevel:6 events:reward


MythicMob distance: mythicmobdistance๐Ÿ”—

Check whether the player is near a specific MythicMobs entity. The first argument is the internal name of the mob (the one defined in MythicMobs' configuration). The second argument is the distance to check, measured in block lengths in a circular radius.


mythicmobdistance SkeletalKnight 7


SpawnMob: mspawnmob๐Ÿ”—

Spawn specified amount of MythicMobs at given location. The first argument is a location defined like 100;200;300;world. Second is MythicMobs internal name (the one defined in MythicMobs' configuration) followed by a colon and a level. Third one is amount and it's required!


mspawnmob 100;200;300;world SkeletalKnight:1 5


If you have this plugin, BetonQuest will add a betonquest placeholder to it and you will be able to use ph variable in your conversations.

Placeholder: betonquest๐Ÿ”—

You can use all BetonQuest variables in any other plugin that supports PlaceholderAPI. You can even use BetonQuests conditions using the condition variable!
This works using the %betonquest_package:variable% placeholder. The package: part is the name of a package. If you don't specify this, the plugin will assume you're using that variable in default package. The variable part is just a BetonQuest variable without percentage characters, like point.beton.amount.

Testing your placeholder is easy using this command:
/papi parse <PlayerName> %betonquest_<PackageName>:<VariableType>.<Property>%


Variable: ph๐Ÿ”—

You can also use placeholders from other plugins in BetonQuest. Simply insert a variable starting with ph, the second argument should be the placeholder without percentage characters.




Hiding NPC's๐Ÿ”—

Having ProtocolLib installed will let you hide Citizens NPCs if specified conditions are met. You can do that by adding a hide_npcs section to the custom.yml file in your package. It allows you to assign conditions to specific NPC IDs like so:

  41: killedAlready,questStarted
  127: '!questStarted'

The interval the conditions are checked in can be configured in the config.yml.

Force Visibility update๐Ÿ”—

You can run the updatevisibility event to manually update the visibility. This is useful for performance optimizations on large servers if used together with the npc hider interval set to high values.

Conversation IO: menu๐Ÿ”—

ProtocolLib also enables a conversation IO that makes use of a chat menu system.

Customize how it looks by adding the following lines to custom.yml:

  line_length: 50
  refresh_delay: 180

  npc_wrap: '&l &r'
  npc_text: '&l &r&f{npc_text}'
  npc_text_reset: '&f'
  option_wrap: '&r&l &l &l &l &r'
  option_text: '&l &l &l &l &r&8[ &b{option_text}&8 ]'
  option_text_reset: '&b'
  option_selected: '&l &r &r&7ยป&r &8[ &f&n{option_text}&8 ]'
  option_selected_reset: '&f'
  option_selected_wrap: '&r&l &l &l &l &r&f&n'

  control_select: jump,left_click
  control_cancel: sneak
  control_move: scroll,move

  npc_name_type: chat
  npc_name_align: center
  npc_name_format: '&e{npc_name}&r'


  • line_length - Maximum size of a line till its wrapped
  • refresh_delay - Specify how many ticks to auto update display. Default 180
  • npc_wrap - What text to prefix each new line in the NPC text that wraps
  • npc_text - How to write the NPC text. Replaces {1} with the npcs text
  • npc_text_reset - When a color reset is found, what to replace it with
  • option_wrap - What text to prefix each new line in an option that wraps
  • option_text - How to write an option. Replaces {1} with the option text
  • option_text_reset - When a color reset is found, what to replace it with
  • option_selected - How to write a selected option. Replaces {1} with the option text
  • option_selected_reset - When a color reset is found, what to replace it with
  • option_selected_wrap - What text to prefix each new line in a selected option that wraps
  • control_select - Space separated actions to select. Can be any of 'jump', 'left_click', 'sneak'
  • control_cancel - Space separated actions to select. Can be any of 'jump', 'left_click', 'sneak'
  • control_move - Space separated actions to move selection. Can be any of 'move', 'scroll'
  • npc_name_type - Type of NPC name display. Can be one of: 'none', 'chat'
  • npc_name_align - For npc name type of 'chat', how to align name. One of: 'left', 'right', 'center'
  • npc_name_format - How to format the npc name


  • {npc_text} - The text the NPC says
  • {option_text} - The option text
  • {npc_name} - The name of the NPC

Chat Interceptor: packet๐Ÿ”—

Intercept pretty much anything sent to the player by intercepting packets sent to them. This can be enabled by default by setting the default_interceptor to packet in config.yml or per conversation by setting interceptor to packet in the top level of the conversation.


Quests is another questing plugin, which offers very simple creation of quests. If you don't want to spend a lot of time to write advanced quests in BetonQuest but you need a specific thing from this plugin you can use Custom Event Reward or Custom Condition Requirement. Alternatively, if you have a lot of quests written in Quests, but want to integrate them with the conversation system, you can use quest event and quest condition.

Condition Requirement (Quests)๐Ÿ”—

When adding requirements to a quest, choose "Custom requirement" and then select "BetonQuest condition". Now specify condition's name and it's package (like package.conditionName). Quests will check BetonQuest condition when starting the quest.

Event Reward (Quests)๐Ÿ”—

When adding rewards to a quest or a stage, choose "Custom reward" and then select "BetonQuest event". Now specify event's name and it's package (like package.eventName). Quests will fire BetonQuest event when this reward will run.


Quest condition: quest๐Ÿ”—

This condition is met when the player has completed the specified quest. The first and only argument is the name of the quest. It it contains any spaces replace them with _.


quest stone_miner


Quest: quest๐Ÿ”—

This event will start the quest for the player. The first argument must be the name of the quest, as defined in name option in the quest. If the name contains any spaces replace them with _. You can optionally add check-requirements argument if you want the event to respect this quest's requirements (otherwise the quest will be forced to be started).


quest stone_miner check-requirements



Shop amount: shopamount๐Ÿ”—

This condition checks if the player owns specified (or greater) amount of shops. It doesn't matter what type these shops are. The only argument is a number - minimum amount of shops.


shopamount 2


Open shop window: shopkeeper๐Ÿ”—

This event opens a trading window of a Villager. The only argument is the uniqueID of the shop. You can find it in Shopkeepers/saves.yml file, under uniqueID option.


shopkeeper b687538e-14ce-4b77-ae9f-e83b12f0b929


This adds support for Sentropics SkillAPI fork. They still update SkillAPI.


SkillAPI Class: skillapiclass๐Ÿ”—

This condition checks if the player has specified class or a child class of the specified one. The first argument is simply the name of a class. You can add exact argument if you want to check for that exact class, without checking child classes.


skillapiclass warrior

SkillAPI Level: skillapilevel๐Ÿ”—

This condition checks if the player has specified or greater level is the specified class. The first argument is class name, the second one is the required level.


skillapilevel warrior 3


BetonQuest can also hook into Skript. Firstly, to avoid any confusion, I will refere to everything here by name of the plugin (Skript event is something else than BetonQuest event). Having Skript on your server will enable using BetonQuest events and conditions in scripts, and also trigger them by BetonQuest event.

You can use cross-package paths using - between the packages. Example: player meets condition "default-Forest-Jack.Completed"

Skript event triggered by BetonQuest skript event๐Ÿ”—

This entry will describe two things: Skript event and BetonQuest event.

  1. Skript event - on [betonquest] event "id" - this is the line you use in your scripts to trigger the code. betonquest part is optional, and id is just some string, which must be equal to the one you specified in BetonQuest event.
  2. BetonQuest event - skript - this event will trigger the above Skript event in your scripts. The instruction string accepts only one argument, id of the event. It have to be the same as the one defined in Skript event for it to be triggered.


In your script

on betonquest event "concrete":

In events.yml

fire_concrete_script: skript concrete

Skript condition๐Ÿ”—

You can check BetonQuest conditions in your scripts by using the syntax player meets [betonquest] condition "id". betonquest is optional, and id is the name of the condition, as defined in conditions.yml.


In your script

player meets condition "has_ore"

In conditions.yml

has_ore: item iron_ore:5

Skript event๐Ÿ”—

You can also fire BetonQuest events with scripts. The syntax for Skript effect is fire [betonquest] event "id" for player. Everything else works just like in condition above.


In your script

fire event "give_emeralds" for player

In events.yml

give_emeralds: give emerald:5


By installing Vault you enable Permission event and Money condition/event.


Vault Money Condition: money๐Ÿ”—

Checks if the player has specified amount of money. You can specify only one argument, amount integer. It cannot be negative!


money 500


Vault Money Event: money๐Ÿ”—

Deposits, withdraws or multiplies money on player's account. There is only one argument, amount of money to modify. It can be positive, negative or start with an asterisk for multiplication.


money -100

Permission: permission๐Ÿ”—

Adds or removes a permission or a group. First argument is add or remove. It's self-explanatory. Second is perm or group. It also shouldn't be hard to figure out. Next thing is actual string you want to add/remove. At the end you can also specify world in which you want these permissions. If the world name is ommited then permission/group will be global.


permission remove group bandit world_nether


Vault Money Variable: money๐Ÿ”—

There is only one argument in this variable, amount for showing money amount or left: followed by a number for showing the difference between it and amount of money.



WorldEdit or FastAsyncWorldEdit๐Ÿ”—


Paste schematic: paste๐Ÿ”—

This event will paste a schematic at the given location. The first argument is a location and the second one is the name of schematic file. The file must be located in WorldEdit/schematics or FastAsyncWorldEdit/schematics and have a name like some_building.schematic. An optional noair can be added to paste ignoring air blocks. If you have only a .schem schematic, simply append .schem to the schematic name.


paste 100;200;300;world some_building noair



Inside Region: region๐Ÿ”—

This condition is met when the player is inside the specified region. The only argument is the name of the region.


region beton


Enter Region: region๐Ÿ”—

To complete this objective you need to enter WorldGuard region with specified name. A required argument is the name of the region and you may also pass an optional entry and/or exit to only trigger when entering or exiting a region instead of anytime inside a region.


region beton events:kill