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Conversations are the main way to interact with players in BetonQuest. They are used to display text, ask questions and execute commands. This page contains the reference documentation for all conversation related features. Consider doing the conversation tutorial if you are just getting started.

General InformationπŸ”—

A conversation is a sequence of questions and answers. It is started by a NPC and can be ended by both the player or the NPC.

Example conversation
conversations: #(1)!
  mayorHans: #(2)!
    quester: "Hans the Mayor" #(3)!
    first: "welcome,blacksmithReminder" #(4)!
    stop: "true"  #(5)!
    final_events: "setCityState" #(6)!
    interceptor: "simple" #(7)!
    NPC_options: #(8)!
        text: "Good day, dear %player%! Welcome back to my town." #(10)!
        events: "playSound,giveMoney" #(12)!
        conditions: "firstVisit,!criminal" #(11)!
        pointers: "friendly,hostile" #(13)!
        text: "Please visit the blacksmith, he has a task for you."
        conditions: "!criminal"
        text: "How dare you to talk to me like that?! Get out of my sight!"
    player_options: #(9)!
        text: "Thank you your honor, I'm happy to be here."
        event: "givePresent"
        pointer: "blacksmithReminder"
        text: "Your Honor, I come bearing a ultimatum letter from the people. They have grown tired of your corruption and greed."
        condition: 'hasUltimatumLetter'
        pointers: "howDareYou"
  1. All conversation must be defined in a conversations section.
  2. mayorHans is the name of the conversation, which is used to reference the conversation, e.g. when linking it to an NPC.
  3. Hans is the visual name of NPC that is displayed during the conversation.
  4. first are pointers to options the NPC will use at the beginning of the conversation. He will choose the first one that meets all conditions. You define these options in npc_options branch.
  5. stop determines if player can move away from an NPC while in this conversation (false) or if he's stopped every time he tries to (true). If enabled, it will also suspend the conversation when the player quits, and resume it after he joins back in. This way he will have to finish his conversation no matter what. You can modify the distance at which the conversation is automatically stopped / player is teleported back with max_npc_distance option in config.yml.
  6. final_events are events that will fire when the conversation ends, no matter how it ends (so you can create e.g. guards attacking the player if he tries to run). You can leave this option out if you don't need any final events.
  7. interceptor optionally set a chat interceptor for this conversation. Multiple interceptors can be provided in a comma-separated list with the first valid one used. It's better to set this as a global config setting in config.yml.
  8. NPC_options is a branch with texts said by the NPC.
  9. player_options is a branch with options the player can choose from.
  10. text defines what will display on screen. If you don't want to set any events/conditions/pointers to the option, just skip them. Only text is always required.
  11. conditions are names of conditions which must be met for this option to display, separated by commas.
  12. events is a list of event names that will fire when an option is chosen (either by NPC or a player), defined similar to conditions.
  13. pointer is list of pointers to the opposite branch (from NPC branch it will point to options player can choose from when answering, and from player branch it will point to different NPC reactions).

When an NPC wants to say something he will check conditions for the first option (in this case welcome). If they are met, he will choose it. Otherwise, he will skip to next option (note: conversation ends when there are no options left to choose). After choosing an option the NPC will execute any events defined in it and say it's text. Then the player will see options defined in the player_options branch to which the pointers setting points, in this case friendly and hostile. If the conditions for a player options is not met, the option is simply not displayed, similar to texts from NPC. The player will choose the option they want, and it will point back to other NPC text, which points to next player options and so on.

If there are no possible options for player or NPC (either from not meeting any conditions or being not defined) the conversations ends. If the conversation ends unexpectedly, check the console - it could be an error in the configuration.

This can and will be a little confusing, so you should name your options, conditions and events in a way which you will understand in the future. Don't worry though, if you make some mistake in configuration, the plugin will tell you this when running /q reload.

Binding Conversations to NPCsπŸ”—

Conversations can be assigned to NPCs created with Citizens. This is done in the npcs section:

  0: innkeeper
  4: mayorHans

The first part is the ID of the NPC. To acquire the NPCs ID select the NPC using /npc select, then run /npc id. The second part is the identifier of the corresponding conversation name as defined in the conversations section. You can assign the same conversation to multiple NPCs. It is not possible to assign multiple conversations to one npc. For this purpose, have a look at cross-conversation-pointers though.

Conversation displayingπŸ”—

BetonQuest provides different conversation styles, so called "conversationIO's". They differ in their visual style and the way the player interacts with them.

BetonQuest uses the menu style by default. If ProtocolLib is not installed, the chest style will be used. You can change this setting globally by changing the default_conversation_IO option in the config.yml file.

It is also possible to override this setting per conversation. Add a conversationIO: <type> setting to the conversation file at the top of the YAML hierarchy (which is the same level as quester or first options).

In both cases, you can choose from the following conversation styles:

Conversation Styles

A modern conversation style that works with some of Minecraft's native controls.

Requires ProtocolLib

Customizing the Menu Style

Customize the look of the menu style by adding the following lines to any of your quest packages. These are global settings that currently cannot be changed on a NPC level.

  line_length: 50 # (1)!
  refresh_delay: 180 # (2)!
  selectionCooldown: 10 # (3)!

  npc_wrap: '&l &r' # (4)!
  npc_text: '&l &r&f{npc_text}' # (5)!
  npc_text_reset: '&f' # (6)!
  option_wrap: '&r&l &l &l &l &r' # (7)!
  option_text: '&l &l &l &l &r&8[ &b{option_text}&8 ]' # (8)!
  option_text_reset: '&b' # (9)! 
  option_selected: '&l &r &r&7Β»&r &8[ &f&n{option_text}&8 ]' # (10)!
  option_selected_reset: '&f' # (11)!
  option_selected_wrap: '&r&l &l &l &l &r&f&n' # (12)!

  control_select: jump,left_click # (13)!
  control_cancel: sneak # (14)! 
  control_move: scroll,move # (15)! 

  npc_name_type: chat # (16)!
  npc_name_align: center # (17)!
  npc_name_format: '&e{npc_name}&r' # (18)!
  npc_name_newline_separator: true # (19)!
  1. Maximum size of a line till its wrapped.
  2. Specify how many ticks to auto update display. Default 180.
  3. The cooldown for selecting another option after selecting an option. Measured in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second.
  4. What text to prefix each new line in the NPC text that wraps.
  5. How to write the NPC text. Replaces {1} with the npcs text.
  6. When a color reset is found, what to replace it with.
  7. What text to prefix each new line in an option that wraps.
  8. How to write an option. Replaces {1} with the option text.
  9. When a color reset is found, what to replace it with.
  10. How to write a selected option. Replaces {1} with the option text.
  11. When a color reset is found, what to replace it with.
  12. What text to prefix each new line in a selected option that wraps.
  13. Comma separated actions to select options. Can be any of jump, left_click, sneak.
  14. Comma separated actions to cancel the conversation. Can be any of jump, left_click, sneak.
  15. Comma separated actions to move the selection. Can be any of move, scroll.
  16. Type of NPC name display. Can be one of: none, chat.
  17. For npc name type of chat, how to align name. One of: left, right, center.
  18. How to format the npc name.
  19. Whether an empty line is inserted after the NPC's name if there is space leftover.
Text Variable Meaning
{npc_text The text the NPC says
{option_text} The option text
{npc_name} The name of the NPC

The blue overlay shows the player's key presses.

A chest GUI with clickable buttons where the NPC's text and options will be shown as item lore.

Customizing the Chest Style

The colors of this style can be configured with the conversation_colors config option.

The formatting of this style can be configured with the conversation_IO_config.chest config option.

You can change the option's item to something else than ender pearls by adding a prefix to that option's text. The prefix is a name of the material (like in the items section) inside curly braces, with an optional damage value after a colon. Custom Model Data is not supported yet. Example of such option text: {diamond_sword}I want to start a quest!.

The same as the chest style but the conversation is also displayed in the chat.

A chat output. The user has to write a number into their chat to select an option.

Customizing the Simple Style

The colors of this style can be configured with the conversation_colors config option.


The same as the simple style but the user can also click the numbers instead of writing them in the chat.

Customizing the Simple Style

The colors of this style can be configured with the conversation_colors config option.


The same as tellraw style but the NPC's text is printed line by line, delayed by 0.5 seconds.

Customizing the Simple Style

The colors of this style can be configured with the conversation_colors config option.


Cross-Conversation PointersπŸ”—

If you want to create a conversation with multiple NPCs at once or split a huge conversation into smaller, more focused files, you can point to both npc and player options in other conversations. Use the cross-package syntax to do so.

There is one special case when you want to refer to the starting options of another conversation. In this case you do not specify an option name after the second point (package.conversation.).

Cross-conversation Pointers Examples
  text: "Look carefully at that guard over there..."
  pointers: "lookCareful,guardConv.lookDetected,mainStory.Mirko.interrupt" #(1)!
  text: "This option points to the starting options of the conversation 'guardConv' in the package 'myPackage'."
  pointers: "myPackage.guardConv."
  1. lookCareful refers to another option in the same conversation named lookCareful.
    guardConv.lookDetected refers to the option lookDetected in the conversation guardConv in the same package.
    mainStory.Mirko.interrupt refers to the option interrupt in the conversation Mirko in the package mainStory.

Conversation VariablesπŸ”—

You can use variables in the conversations. They will be resolved and displayed to the player when he starts a conversation. Check the variables list for more information about which variables exist.


If you use a variable incorrectly (for example trying to get a property of an objective which isn't active for the player, or using %npc% in message event), the variable will be replaced with empty string ("").


Conversation can be fully translated into multiple languages. A players can choose their preferred language with the /questlang command. You can translate every NPC option, player option and the NPC's name. This is how it's done:

  en: "Innkeeper"
  pl: "Karczmarz"
  de: "Gastwirt"
first: "example1" 
      en: "Good day, dear %player%! Welcome back to my town."
      de: "Guten Tag, lieber %player%! Willkommen zurΓΌck in meiner Stadt." 
      en: "Thank you your honor, I'm happy to be here."
      de: "Danke, Euer Ehren, ich bin froh, hier zu sein."
en and de are identifiers of languages present in the messages.yml config. If the conversation is not translated in the players' language, the plugin will fall back to the default language, as defined in config.yml.

The same syntax can be applied in a few other features, e.g. the journal entries, quest cancelers and notify events.

Chat InterceptorsπŸ”—

While engaged in a conversation, it can be distracting when messages from other players or system messages interfere with the dialogue. A chat interceptor provides a method of intercepting those messages and then sending them after the conversation has ended.

You can specify the default chat interceptor by setting default_interceptor inside the config.yml. Additionally, you can overwrite the default for each conversation by setting the interceptor key inside your conversation file.

The default configuration of BetonQuest sets the default_interceptor option to packet,simple. This means that it first tries to use the packet interceptor. If that fails it falls back to using the simple interceptor.

BetonQuest adds following interceptors: simple, packet and none:

The simple interceptor works with every Spigot server but only supports very basic functionality and may not work with plugins like Herochat.

The packet interceptor requires the ProtocolLib plugin to be installed. It will work well in any kind of situation.

The none interceptor is an interceptor that won't intercept messages. That sounds useless until you have a conversation that you want to be excluded from interception. In this case you can just set interceptor: none inside your conversation file.

Advanced: ExtendsπŸ”—

Conversations also support the concept of inheritance. Any option can include the key extends with a comma delimited list of other options of the same time. The first option that does not have any false conditions will have its text, pointers and events merged with the extending option. The extended option may itself extend other options. Infinite loops are detected.


  ## Normal Conversation Start
    text: 'What can I do for you'
    extends: tonight, today

  ## Useless addition as example
    # Always false
    condition: random 0-1
    text: ' tonight?'
    extends: main_menu

    text: ' today?'
    extends: main_menu

  ## Main main_menu
    pointers: i_have_questions, bye
In the above example, the option start is extended by both tonight and today, both of whom are extended by main_menu. As tonight has a false condition the today option will win. The start option will have the pointers in main_menu added to it just as if they were defined directly in it and the text will be joined together from today. If you structure your conversation correctly you can make use of this to minimize duplication.