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Data Formats

Unified location formatingπŸ”—

Whenever you want to define some location in your events, conditions, objectives or any other things, you will define it with this specific format. The location consists of 2 things: base and vector. Only the base is always required.

Base LocationπŸ”—

The base is a core location. There are two types: absolute coordinates and variables. Absolute coordinates are defined like 100;200;300;world, where 100 is X coordinate, 200 is Y, 300 is Z and world is the name of the world. These can have decimal values. If you want you can also add two more numbers at the end, yaw and pitch (these are controlling the rotation, for example in teleportation event, both are needed if you decide to add them; example: 0.5;64;0.5;world;90;-270).

Variables as Base LocationπŸ”—

To use a variable as the location's base it must resolve to valid absolute coordinates. An example of such variable is %location%, which shows player's exact location. Simply place it instead of coordinates. There is one rule though: you can't use variable base types in events running without players (for example static events or the ones run from folder event after the player left the server). BetonQuest won't be able to resolve the location variable without the player!


The vector is a modification of the location. Vectors look like ->(10;2.5;-13) and are added to the end of the base. This will modify the location, X by 10, Y by 2.5 and Z by -13. For example, location written as 100;200;300;world_nether->(10;2.5;-13) will generate a location with X=110, Y=202.5 and Z=287 in the world world_nether.

Block SelectorsπŸ”—

When specifying a way of matching a block, a block selector is used.


The format of a block selector is: namespace:material[state=value,...]


  • namespace - (optional) The material namespace. If left out then it will be assumed to be 'minecraft'. Can be a regex.

  • material - The material the block is made of. All materials can be found in Spigots Javadocs. It can be a regex. If the regex ends with square brackets you have to add another pair of empty square brackets even if you don't want to use the state argument ([regex][]).
    Instead of using a regex to match multiple materials you can also define a tag. Every tag matches a special group of blocks or items that can be grouped together logically. They can be used using this format :blocks:flowers or minecraft:blocks:flowers. Be aware that a tag always starts with either : or a namespace.

  • state - (optional) The block states can be provided in a comma separated key=value list surrounded by square brackets. You can look up states in the Minecraft wiki. Any states left out will be ignored when matching. Values can be a regex.


  • minecraft:stone - Matches all blocks of type STONE

  • redstone_wire - Matches all blocks of type REDSTONE_WIRE

  • redstone_wire[power=5] - Matches all blocks of type REDSTONE_WIRE and which have a power of 5

  • redstone_wire[power=5,facing=1] - Matches all blocks of type REDSTONE_WIRE and which have both a power of 5 and are facing 1

  • .*_LOG - Matches all LOGS

  • .* - Matches everything

  • .*[waterlogged=true] - Matches all waterlogged blocks

  • minecraft:blocks:flowers - Matches all flowers

  • :blocks:crops[age=0] - Matches all crops with an age of 0 meaning, not grown / just planted

Setting behaviourπŸ”—

A block selector with a regex or tag as it's material name results in a random block out of all blocks that match that regex or tag. You cannot use a regex in block states when the block selector is used for placing blocks.

Matching behaviourπŸ”—

The block state will ignore all additional block states on the block it's compared with by default. Example: fence[facing=north] matches fence[facing=north] and fence[facing=north,waterlogged=true] You can add an exactMatch argument if you only want to match blocks that exactly match the block state. A regex is allowed in any block state value when the block selector is used to match blocks.

Regex (Regular Expressions)πŸ”—

A regular expression is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern for text. It's used in BetonQuest to check if game objects match a user-defined input. For example, Block Selectors use a regex to match multiple materials or block states. You can also use regular expressions in the variable condition or the password objective to match player names, item names, etc. These expressions are a very powerful tool, but can be confusing at first.

Common Use CasesπŸ”—

Use Case Regex
A specific text e.g. STONE STONE
A text starting with STONE STONE.*
A text ending with _LOG .*_LOG
A specific number e.g. 42 ^42$
A specific range of numbers, e.g. any number between 0 and 99 [0-9]{1,2}
Positive numbers only ^\d+$
Negative numbers only ^-\d+$
Any number [-+]?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]+

More complex use casesπŸ”—

If you want to use complex patterns you must learn more about regular expressions. There are countless resources online, for example you could read this cheatsheet.